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L-Methylfolate vs Methylfolate: What’s the Real DifferenceUpdated a month ago

Those with MTHFR mutations are confused by all the different names and abbreviations. You’re frozen not knowing which methylfolate supplement is best.

You’re in the right place.

Since 2011, I’ve been researching, writing, presenting and formulating supplements with methylfolate in them.

I’ve settled on a superior form of methylfolate over others.

Before I share which methylfolate supplement I suggest, let’s start out with some background.

Methylfolate is not created equal. Not even close.

The raw material price for methylfolate ranges anywhere from $600/kg to $13,000/kg

You get what you pay for.

There are quite a few forms of methylfolate to choose from:

  • Methylfolate
  • L-MTHF
  • L-Methylfolate
  • L-Methylfolate Calcium
  • D-Methylfolate
  • D-5-Methylfolate
  • Levomefolic Acid
  • Metafolin
  • 5-MTHF
  • 5-Methylfolate
  • 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate
  • L-5-MTHF
  • L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate
  • 6(S)-5-MTHF
  • 6(S)-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate
  • 6(R)-5-MTHF
  • 6(R)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate
  • Quatrefolic (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate
  • Quatrefolic

Are these forms of methylfolate all the same?


Let’s identify the most suspicious forms first.

As my teenagers would say, there are forms of methylfolate that are ‘sus’.

‘Sus’ is short for ‘suspect’.

These methylfolate forms may or may not be 99% pure biologically active methylfolate:

  • 5-MTHF
  • 5-Methylfolate
  • 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate

How come these methylfolate supplements are suspect?

There is an important saying, “Lying by omission.”

Lying by omission is the act of intentionally leaving out important facts which skew or misrepresent the truth.

You do not know what you are ingesting.

You may be ingesting the worst form of methylfolate possible.
The D form of methylfolate is the worst form.

Methylfolate may mean high amounts of D-methylfolate

What is the difference between D and L forms of Methylfolate?

In short, the D form is bad and the L form is great.

 Forms of Methylfolate

Biologically Active (L or 6S)Biologically InactiveUnsure Which (no L or 6S)
  • L methylfolate
  • 6(S) methylfolate
  • L-5 methylfolate
  • Metafolin
  • L-Methylfolate Calcium
  • Quatrefolic
  • D methylfolate
  • 6(R) methylfolate
  • 5-MTHF
  • 5-methylfolate
  • 5-methyltetrahydrofolate

Put this Knowledge to Use

You’re looking to buy a methylfolate supplement.

A supplement company has a supplement called, “5-MTHF”

Let’s say this supplement states it contains 10 mg of 5-MTHF.

One assumes this contains 10 mg of biologically active L-methylfolate.

Don’t assume.

The likelihood of it containing 99% of the biologically active form of L-methylfolate is slim to none.

Pro tip:

The likelihood of a Methylfolate containing real L-methylfolate is low if the price is very inexpensive compared to other methylfolate supplements.

What to Look For

Look for supplements specifying the amount of active L- or 6(S)-.

Seeking Health uses purely the L-methylfolate as Quatrefolic by Gnosis.

L-Methylfolate supplement facts

For the science nerds, here’s more detail for you:

From the package insert of Metanx, a prescription drug using biologically active Metafolin as L-methylfolate: “L-methylfolate or 6(S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate [6(S)-5-MTHF], is the primary biologically active diastereoisomer of folate and the primary form of folate in circulation. It is also the form which is transported across membranes into peripheral tissues, particularly across the blood brain barrier. In the cell, 6(S)-5-MTHF is used in the methylation of homocysteine to form methionine and tetrahydrofolate (THF). THF is the immediate acceptor of one carbon units for the synthesis of thymidine-DNA, purines (RNA and DNA) and methionine. About 70% of food folate and cellular folate is comprised of 6(S)-5-MTHF. Folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, must undergo enzymatic reduction by methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) to become biologically active. Genetic mutations of MTHFR result in a cell’s inability to convert folic acid to 6(S)-5-MTHF.

Metafolin® (L-methylfolate calcium) is a substantially diastereoisomerically pure source of L-methylfolate containing not more than 1% D-methylfolate which results in not more than 0.03 milligrams of D-methylfolate in Metanx®.

D-methylfolate or 6(R)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate [6(R)-5-MTHF] is the other diastereoisomer of folate. Studies administering doses of 2.5 mg per day or higher resulted in plasma protein binding of D-methylfolate higher than L-methylfolate causing a significantly higher renal clearance of L-methylfolate when compared to D-methylfolate. Further, D-methylfolate is found to be stored in tissues in the body, mainly in the liver. D-methylfolate is not metabolized by the body and has been hypothesized to inhibit regulatory enzymes related to folate and homocysteine metabolism and reduces the bioavailability of L-methylfolate.”

Understanding the differences between various forms of methylfolate is crucial, especially for those with MTHFR mutations. Not all methylfolate supplements are created equal, and choosing the right one can be daunting due to the confusing array of names and abbreviations. Prioritize supplements that clearly specify they contain the biologically active L-methylfolate or 6(S)-5-MTHF. Be wary of products that simply list “methylfolate” or “5-MTHF” without further clarification, as these may include the less desirable D-methylfolate form. Investing in a high-quality methylation supplement, such as those using Quatrefolic or Metafolin, ensures you’re getting the most effective and safe form of methylfolate.

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