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Here's How Traditional Energy Shots Affect Your HealthUpdated 2 months ago

Ever wondered if those little energy shots at checkout are safe to drink? They might seem convenient and even tasty, but what are they really doing to your body?

Before you toss one into your basket, keep reading to discover how energy shots can impact your health!

What Are Energy Shots?

Energy shots are small, concentrated beverages that give you a quick energy boost. Unlike energy drinks, which come in larger cans or bottles, energy shots are usually only a few ounces in size. They contain high levels of caffeine, vitamins, and amino acids that supposedly help to quickly energize you for a few hours.

What’s the Difference Between Energy Drinks and Energy Shots?

Because they are more concentrated than energy drinks, energy shots are consumed quickly, which can lead to a rapid intake of caffeine. This makes them different from energy drinks, often sipped over a longer period.

Are Energy Shots Unhealthy?

Since these products contain concentrated levels of caffeine and other stimulants, they can lead to the adverse effects you’ll read about next. Because of the high caffeine content, the effects can be worse in children and adolescents who drink energy shots.(1,2) Consuming energy shots may cause them to engage impulsively in risky behaviors because of the stimulating effects of caffeine.(3)

Moreover, because energy shots are often consumed quickly, they lead to a rapid caffeine intake, increasing the risk of adverse effects. It’s recommended that anyone who drinks energy shots do so with caution because the long-term effects of these beverages are not fully understood. Energy shots may also interact with medications or make existing health conditions like heart issues or an erratic mood worse.(4)

Despite being marketed as safe and beneficial for energy and performance, the lack of regulation and comprehensive research on these products raises concerns.

What Are There Negative Health Effects of Drinking Energy Shots?

Energy shots can have several negative health effects, especially when consumed regularly. The high levels of caffeine and other stimulants they often contain can lead to several health problems, including:(5,6)

  • Increased restlessness, agitation, and nervousness
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Risk-seeking behaviors
  • Poor mental health outcomes, such as low mood
  • Potential cardiovascular issues
  • Metabolic, renal, or dental problems

The lack of regulation and aggressive marketing toward young people further compound these risks, making it essential to be cautious about their consumption and teach your children to avoid them at all costs.

Is One Energy Shot a Day Bad for You?

Drinking one energy shot daily may seem harmless, but it can still pose health risks, especially for young people. Even moderate consumption can cause these effects, particularly in those who are sensitive to caffeine or have underlying health issues.(7)

While you might not experience immediate adverse effects, being cautious is essential because energy shots can lead to more severe health problems if consumed regularly.

Are “No Sugar” Energy Shots Bad for You?

“No sugar” energy shots might seem healthier, but they can still have adverse health effects. These drinks still may contain high levels of caffeine and other stimulants, leading to the adverse effects you read about earlier. Even without sugar, the caffeine content can be harmful, especially for young people or those sensitive to caffeine.

It's crucial to be cautious and aware of these potential risks even when consuming seemingly harmless "no-sugar” energy drinks.

What Are Healthy Ways To Support Energy?

You can adopt ten healthy habits to support energy naturally:

  1. Eat a nutritious breakfast daily.(8)
  2. Stay hydrated with plenty of water.
  3. Incorporate regular physical activity.(9)
  4. Get enough sleep each night.
  5. Manage stress through relaxation techniques.
  6. Consume whole grains and fiber-rich foods.
  7. Include lean proteins in your meals.
  8. Limit intake of alcohol and processed foods.
  9. Take short walks or breaks during the day.
  10. Add energy-supporting supplements to your daily diet.

As a result, your day may look like this:

  • First, you wake up and eat a nutritious breakfast with low glycemic index foods and high protein.
  • Then, you eat a healthy lunch and snacks, including fats from nuts and fish.
  • You exercise for a total of 30-60 minutes daily on your breaks, lunch hour, and after work or dinner—it doesn’t have to be all at once!
  • Throughout the day, you make sure to drink plenty of water and add electrolytes to support hydration and energy.
  • After work, you practice mindfulness or yoga to shake off the day’s stressors and ease into your evening.
  • You eat a nutritious dinner you make from scratch and not from a box in the freezer.
  • About two hours before your bedtime, you cut out screen time so you get enough healthy sleep to help your body rejuvenate.

Seeking Health® Performance & Energy Supplements

Treat your body better with Seeking Health®! Avoid the harmful effects of energy shots and drinks and support energy healthily with our performance & energy supplements. Dr. Ben Lynch designed these supplements to support nutrient balance, helping you stay energized and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way!

  • Optimal Electrolyte is a tasty powder you mix with water to support hydration and energy, healthy heart rhythm and contraction, and healthy muscle contraction and relaxation. Choose from orange, lemonade, and berry flavors, so you and your family will actually want to drink water!
  • Energy Nutrients includes coenzyme Q10 and biologically active niacin (NADH) to synergistically support energy, healthy aging, cognition, memory, and focus. It provides bioavailable nutrient building blocks for energy production.
  • Optimal Focus provides stimulant-free support for normal information retention and recall, clarity, focus, and learning. It includes a unique blend of nutrients, including citicoline (CDP-choline), American ginseng, bacopa extract, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)—an omega-3 fatty acid.
  • Adrenal Cortex is made from freeze-dried glandular tissue from grass-fed Argentinian cows free of synthetic hormones. It offers glandular support for healthy adrenal function, normal stress hormone levels, and energy.

The Bottom Line

While getting a “quick fix” when losing steam during the day seems tempting, you may get more than you  bargained for by drinking even a single energy shot. Like energy drinks, they often contain caffeine, sugar, or other stimulants only in concentrated forms, making them even more potent—or even dangerous.

Young people should be especially aware of what can happen if they consume these popular shots to get through a day’s worth of exams or perform on the field. The high caffeine concentration in energy shots can impair their judgment and potentially lead them to engage in unhealthy behaviors. For the rest of us, they may contribute to adverse health effects like a racing heart, feeling on edge, feeling down, or an inability to sleep soundly.

What’s the best option for sustained energy? Skip the impulse to grab an energy shot on the go and adopt healthy lifestyle habits, such as a nutritious diet, exercise, and Seeking Health’s performance and energy supplements.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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