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Lactase Drops

Who is Lactase Drops intended for?

Lactase Drops is intended for those who are lactose intolerant, and experience indigestion symptoms from consuming dairy products.†. Do you want to make lactose-free-style milk products at home?†. Lactase Drops is an effective liquid lactase enzyme s

How do I use Lactase Drops?

Add 7 drops of Lactase Drops per pint of milk, refrigerate for 24 hours, then use as desired. If lactose intolerance symptoms persist, refrigerate for 48 hours before using or add more drops. Alternatively, add 7 drops of Lactase Drops directly to mi

What is the purpose of each ingredient in Lactase Drops?

Ingredient. Purpose. Lactase. Enzyme to break down lactose milk sugar.†. Lactase. The enzyme that breaks down lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products, to support individuals with lactose intolerance.†. †These statements have not been eval

What are the ingredients in Lactase Drops sourced from?

Does Lactase Drops contain gluten or grains?

Lactase Drops are gluten-free. Lactase Drops do not contain grains.

Are Lactase Drops free from GMOs?

Testing verifies that Lactase drops are free from GMO markers.

Are there any warnings or side effects when using Lactase Drops?

Warnings. Do not use if tamper seal is damaged. Side Effects. When used as directed, there are no known side effects of this supplement. If you believe that you are experiencing any adverse reactions, please see your healthcare professional immediate

Are Lactase Drops Kosher?

The ingredients used to make Lactase Drops are considered Kosher, but the finished product has not been Kosher certified.

If I re-heat milk after it has Lactase Drops added, will it destroy the enzyme?

“Re-heating” or “re-warming” milk will not destroy the lactase as long as it has had 24 hours to neutralize the lactose. We recommend adding the lactase drops to the milk and refrigerating. That way it will have time to neutralize the lactose in the

Can I use Lactase Drops for baking or cooking at high temperatures?

You can cook or bake with Lactase Drops once the enzyme has been left to sit on the dairy product at cool temperatures for about 24 hours. It is not recommended to heat the dairy product before the Lactase Drops have had a chance for full hydrolysis.

Can I use Lactase Drops with ice cream or frozen milk products?

If you are making your own ice cream or frozen dessert, you can use the Lactase Drops as directed to treat the milk or cream before mixing, churning, and freezing. According to the studies based on this product, the drops are effective at temperature

Do I need to increase the dose of Lactase Drops for thicker milk or cream?

It is not necessary to use more of the drops for half-and-half, heavy/whipping cream, or milk products higher in fat content. Typically, the higher the fat content in dairy products, the lower the lactase content. The important thing with these heavi

How many gallons of milk will the entire bottle of Lactase Drops treat?

A typical dose is 7 drops per pint of milk. Depending on the number of drops you choose to use for each gallon of milk (individuals with greater lactose intolerance may want to use more drops per gallon of milk, or one might choose to use more drops

How many FCC ALU of lactase is in a drop of Lactase Drops?

FCC ALU and LU are both units of measurement for lactase activity, and are used somewhat interchangeably, depending on the type of lactase and the environment in which it is most active. For types of lactase designed to act on lactose in the stomach,

How many units of lactase are in 1 dose of Lactase Drops?

Lactase Drops provide approximately 750 Lactase Units per 7 drops (1 dose).

What is the normal appearance, taste and smell of this Lactase Drops?

Lactase Drops is a clear liquid, in a glycerin base. Glycerin is slightly sweet – this is natural. No sweeteners or artificial flavors are added.

How should Lactase Drops be stored?

Store unopened product in a cool, dry place (59°F-85°F). Refrigerate after opening. Best consumed within 60 days after opening.