Will StrateGene report on the "Super Seven" Genes as outlined in the Dirty Genes book?Updated 5 months ago
Yes. The “Super Seven” genes are MTHFR, COMT, DAO, MAOA, GST/GPX, PEMT, NOS3. StrateGene analyzes and reports on a number of researched variants within the Super Seven genes. For example, COMT V158M homozygous is a slow COMT and a COMT V158M wild type is a fast COMT. However, do keep in mind that these SNPs are simply reporting what type of genes you are born with. It is NOT informing you which genes are currently “dirty” or not. Individuals will need to do a self-analysis using the the Laundry Lists in Dirty Genes and work with a qualified health professional in order to determine if your “born dirty” genes are actually “dirty” or not.