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Why Doesn’t StrateGene Report on APOE SNPs?Updated a month ago

StrateGene does not report the APOE genotype. APOE SNPs present unique challenges for genotyping analysis using array technology. This leads to discrepant results from multiple assays. 

First, if we are not confident in our accuracy of a specific rsid or SNP, we will not report it.  

Second, APOE status is considered to be of a serious nature. People need accurate genotyping using a Class III medical device along with appropriate genetic counseling. While we understand knowledge is power to inform choices, APOE status may cause some people unnecessary anxiety. 

Individuals with APOE4 alleles should consult with a trained health professional.  Managing this information alone is not recommended as it is very complex.

Note that APOE snps do not show up in the raw data.

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