Why does my skin flush after taking products containing niacin (B3), and what can I do about it?Updated 6 months ago
Niacin, or vitamin B3, is found in many multivitamins, B complexes, prenatals, and standalone vitamin B3 products.
When these products are taken on an empty stomach, a healthy response to niacin supplementation may include mild blushing, warming, or tingling of the skin. This can appear on the ears, face, arms, torso, or occasionally on the legs. Commonly referred to as a "niacin flush", this harmless response normally dissipates within an hour. It is related to niacin's role in vasodilation (widening of blood vessels). Vasodilation leads to better circulation, capillary flushing, and increased blood flow to the surface of the skin.
To minimize or prevent flushing, consider taking this supplement with food or in divided doses.*