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Why does my product taste or look slightly different this shipment, when I purchased the same product I have been using for years?Updated 5 months ago

Seeking Health is striving constantly to update our products with higher quality ingredient sourcing when possible. If Seeking Health changes a formula (amount or ingredient addition/removal) you will see this on the label, and could affect taste and appearance (even smell). Also note that many of our ingredients are from naturally sources, which means that slight differences in color, smell, taste, etc. are expected from lot to lot.

However, if we have changed the raw material supplier, and ingredients are the same, taste may be slightly affected due to differences in sourcing, and even manufacturing. These changes are always for the improvement of the product quality and may happen without notice. Should you have any questions about your product, do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at 800-547-9812 or [email protected].

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