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Why did you choose nicotinic acid (niacin) and inositol hexanicotinate instead of niacinamide?Updated 4 months ago

Niacin as nicotinic acid is the most effective form of niacin used to support healthy levels of cholesterol, blood flow, and NAD levels.

It may cause flushing in some people which is harmless but annoying for some people. Thus, we use inositol hexanicotinate in addition to nicotinic acid if we want more than 20 to 25 mg of niacin. 

I don't usually use niacinamide as I'm not a fan of amide forms of supplements. It is not necessarily a bad form of niacin to use; however, I have seen more people react poorly to niacinamide than I have inositol hexanicotinate.

All forms of niacin, in high doses, are not good for the liver. We do not use high doses of niacin in any of our formulations.


-Dr. Ben Lynch

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