Why are some Seeking Health ingredients synthesized?Updated 6 months ago
Seeking Health always obtain a nutrient from its natural source if we are able. There are a few different reasons why Seeking Health synthesizes some of the nutrients.
1. The form we need is not found in nature: To create L-5-MTHF, it takes a laboratory because that form does not exist in nature
- Even though it’s the form naturally found in the body, it does not exist in nature
2. Natural form cannot convert to form we need - genetic mutations such as MTHFR prevent some people from processing natural folate into L-5-MTHF.
3. Better absorption: Some nutrients are synthesized with the intention to increase absorption.
- Example: Minerals compounds are “chelated” for better absorption “Zinc Bisglycinate Chelate”
4. Unstable minerals: Iodine degrades or is unstable by itself, must be bonded to something else, such as potassium.
5. Higher concentration: Wholefood vitamins are found in natural tissues, such as plant tissues, and you need a lot more of the food to get higher amounts of a single nutrient. A synthesized nutrient can be concentrated by leaving out the natural compounds.