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Who is Serotonin Nutrients intended for?Updated 2 months ago

Serotonin Nutrients is intended for people who want to support a healthy mood, a healthy response to food or alcohol cravings, and to support normal serotonin production.† 

Dr. Lynch recommends this product to those who have a fast MAOA gene, according to his book Dirty Genes.†

  • Supports healthy feelings of patience and emotional well-being
  • Supports a healthy response to carb cravings
  • Supports a healthy sleep duration and quality of sleep

Stressful moments, recurring infections, alcohol, inflammation and an unhealthy microbiome deplete your serotonin levels.

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that:

  • Supports comfort and a balanced mood during the menstrual cycle
  • Supports healthy levels of inflammation
  • Supports normal feelings of calm, patience, and emotional well-being
  • Influences the rate of learning and memory
  • Supports healthy sleep duration
  • Supports healthy libido vs excessive desire
  • Supports healthy duration of male orgasm vs premature
  • Supports relaxation vs being obsessive or compulsive about things
  • Is found in your gut in high amounts where it supports a healthy appetite
  • Supports healthy movement of your stool through your digestive tract

If you can relate to one or more of the following statements, then Serotonin Nutrients may be helpful for you in supporting healthy serotonin levels:

  • I fixate over things that I know shouldn’t bother me, and want to support a positive mood, a healthy response to nervousness or unease, and a healthy stress response, especially during my menstrual cycle.
  • I tend towards occasional constipation and want to support healthy bowel movements.
  • My exposure to sunlight is low in the fall and winter, and I struggle to feel upbeat.
  • I have tried 5-HTP in the past and it didn’t work for me. I think I am low in additional serotonin supportive nutrients.
  • I have cravings, especially for carbohydrates, alcohol or sweets.
  • My diet is low in vitamin B6 (found in fish, beef, poultry, starchy vegetables, chickpeas, bananas) and tryptophan (found in milk, cheese, tuna, poultry, oats, eggs, nuts and seeds).
  • I have excessive sexual desire, and as a male, I tend to orgasm too quickly and want to support my sexual health.
  • I tend to fall asleep well but wake up an hour or two after falling asleep.
  • I have a fast MAOA or MAOB gene.
  • I want to support the health of my immune system.

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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