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What specific types of evidence did you look at when determining which SNPs to include?Updated a month ago

We considered the following types of research: 

EBIV: Evidence Based in vitro 

EBinvivo: Evidence Based in vivo 

EBCC: Evidence based case controlled study 

EBCR: Evidence based case report 

EBCS: Evidence based cohort study 

EBCX: Evidence based cross sectional study 

EBCT: Evidence based clinical trials 

EBDB: Evidence based double blind, placebo controlled 

EBRCCOS: Evidence based random controlled crossover study 

EBHCL: Evidence based human cell lines 

EBLS: Evidence based longitudinal study 

EBM: Evidence based mammal (mouse, rat, sheep, bovine, rabbit) 

EBOS: Evidence based observational study 

T: Theoretical 

O: Opinion 

GWAS: Genome wide association study 

RA: Review article 

MA: Meta-Analysis 

MM: mathematical/computer model 

XRC: xray-crystallography

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