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Read the book what do I do next?Updated a month ago

Hi, I'm contemplating becoming a member after reading your book, but I'm having issues about where to start since many of the things I need to implement are costly. So not sure if I should order the supplements first or become a member. (I have already started filtering my water and buying mostly organic) also, I'm not sure if I know my body well enough, or if I ever will, to know if I have mcas or histamine intolerance and what is contributing to it. I have ADHD so even tho I really wanna get better the membership also seems very overwhelming. Any suggestions?

Dr. Lynch's Response

I'd become a Member - 100%

You will learn so much.

Watch the Webinar on ADHD and ADD first.

Then, I'd watch the Histamine Webinar.

Take the Quizzes in the book, Dirty Genes. See which genes are the dirtiest.

Do the Soak n Scrub first. Then do the Spot Cleaning after that.

I'm confident you will learn how your body works. Sounds to me like you are committed as you're already making improvements. Well done on that.

Every day, just make one small step towards knowing how your body works and supporting it.

It's not a rush - it's a journey :) It's very overwhelming at first. Your feelings are felt by everyone - including medical students. Then, once you gain knowledge and apply it, you start feeling better and knowing why. Then, you get really hooked on wanting to learn more.

The Membership is a fantastic next step.

In health,
Dr. Lynch


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