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Navigating Your ReportUpdated 6 months ago


Click the link at the bottom of any page to jump to a specific pathway. 



Click any gene on a pathway with a speed indicator. This will take you directly to the information on that gene. 



Click on the “Education” link (at the bottom of every page) to jump to the Education portal for more information to help you understand this report and support you on your journey to optimal health. 


Go back one step/page

If using the Apple Preview application to read your report and you clicked on a link to go elsewhere within the report, you can return to your starting place or go back one step by pressing Command-[ or choose Back in the Go menu. 

If using Adobe Acrobat Reader to read your report and you clicked on a link to go elsewhere within the report, you can return to your starting place or go back one step by pressing ALT-Left Arrow (PC) or Command-Left Arrow (Mac).

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