My doctor knows nothing about genetic testing. Do I need a health professional to read the Strategene Report?Updated a month ago
It is recommended to work with a qualified healthcare professional to help you analyze the results, but you are not required to do so in order to purchase. StrateGene requires one to learn some basics of biochemistry, genetics and epigenetics. We help guide you along the way. Reading Dirty Genes is where you should start.
Watching Dr. Lynch’s videos on YouTube and in My Education will help guide you immensely. Once you learn these basics, you will do well with implementing what StrateGene provides you.
Note that genetic testing is extremely complex and it is not possible to make medical decisions solely based on genetic results. You will need laboratory reporting to determine how your genes are acting in real-time to determine medical decisions and recommendations. It is recommended that you do locate a health professional who understands how to implement your StrateGene findings into your overall health plan and goals.