Magnesium Glycinate Powder - Product UpdatesUpdated 21 days ago
Decreasing from 120 servings to 100 servings (Feb 2021)
Adjustment due to production and sZinc hipping costs.
Serving per container change from 100 to 75 servings. SKU change from MAGNG-100S-POW to MAG-GLY-POW (Sept 2023)
To better streamline product packaging across products offered and utilize a smaller and more convenient container to reduce plastic consumption.
Container size changed to larger size. (2024)
The raw material for mag glycinate hasn’t changed, but there was some variation in how the powder was fluffing up during packaging. This extra air in the powder made it less dense, meaning the usual container size couldn’t fit the full amount without compacting it down. To solve this, we moved to a larger container so we could include the full product amount while accommodating the extra airiness in the powder. This way, the product remains consistent without needing to over-compress it.