Liposomal Glutathione Plus - Product UpdatesUpdated 21 days ago
Removed stevia (November 2019)
Name Change: Liposomal Glutathione Plus (November 2023)
- Serving size decrease from 30 to 15
- Riboflavin decrease from 10 to 5 mg
- Replaced phospholipid complex with Choline (as phosphatidylcholine and choline bitartrate)
- Selenium changed from selenomethionine to selenocysteine and from 50 mcg to 25 mcg
- Changed glutathione source to
Glutathione (as S-acetyl-l-glutathione)(Emothion®️) and reduced from 350 mg to 100 mg
- reduced molybdenum from 50 mcg to 25 mcg
- New suggested use: Shake lightly before each use. As needed, take 1 serving by mouth, hold for 10 seconds, swish, then swallow. Do not take within 3 hours of bedtime as it may interfere with sleep. Use as directed by your healthcare professional.
- New storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from children. For maximum potency, refrigerate after opening and use within 60 days.
This name change is part of our new branding standards to simplify and clarify product names.
Updated with a more stable form of glutathione to extend shelf life and reduce likelihood of experiencing side effects. Due to this improved stability, the glutathione is also more effective which means you have to take less and require fewer cofactors (selenium, molybdenum, etc.). Amount of phospholipids were reduced as excessive fat intake can lead to digestive issues in some individuals.