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How much actual bicarbonate is in each serving of Optimal Electrolyte and does it negatively affect my health?Updated a month ago

There is approximately 307.5 mg bicarbonate per serving of Optimal Electrolyte.
Bicarbonate is well known for buffering acidity. The reason the bicarbonate form of potassium is used in Optimal Electrolyte is many individuals are acidic in nature which contributes to increased lactate production. When you exercise, you consume glucose and burn it as fuel. As glucose is burned, glucose stores diminish and pH decreases. This process can increase anaerobic lactate production. Increased lactate increases muscle tightness and pain. By using the bicarbonate form, this may raise the pH which then reduces lactate production and thus may reduce muscle soreness due to exercise. The bicarbonate is there to help reduce acidity and help support the aerobic utilization of fuel.

According to Dr Lynch, here at the benefits of consuming bicarbonate:
- reduce acidity of environment leads to improved energy utilization
- reduced lactate
- Less sore muscles due to exercise 

Known potential side effects and Dr Lynch's suggestions from Optimal Electrolyte :

  • According to Dr Lynch, bicarbonates by nature reduce acid. In some people, if taking Optimal Electrolyte on an empty stomach, they may experience what is called 'Rebound Acidity'. Dr lynch states that this is because the bicarbonates reduce the stomach acid and the cells respond by increasing stomach acid production vigorously. This is a natural response and a sign that your stomach acid production is quite strong! If this happens to you at times, Dr Lynch recommends to simply eat a couple bites of food and the burning should cease.

    You may also consider drinking Optimal Electrolyte more slowly throughout the day. Health professionals have reported a significant improvement in side effects with their patients when they inform them to sip Optimal Electrolyte throughout the day in a water bottle vs drinking it all at once.
    Be sure that you are mixing Optimal Electrolyte in enough water. If you are mixing a full scoop in a half a glass, it will increase the concentration of the bicarbonates and increase risk of rebound acidity. Be sure you are mixing a scoop into a full glass of filtered water.

  • If drinking Optimal Electrolyte with meals, you may experience reduced ability to digest your food. Consider reducing the serving size of Optimal Electrolyte to only 1/2 scoop per 8 oz glass of filtered water. Dr Lynch states that individuals should not drink much of anything while eating as this may dilute digestive acids and enzymes thereby reduce digestion.
    If digestion is an issue when drinking Optimal Electrolyte, individuals can try consuming lemon juice or touch of apple cider vinegar before meals to help support stomach acid.

    In short, here are ways to support the side effects of bicarbonate:
    - Try adding lemon juice or touch of apple cider vinegar before meals to support digestion
    - Sip Optimal Electrolyte during the day, instead of drinking all at once
    - Don't drink Optimal Electrolyte during meals

†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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