How did you determine which SNPs to include?Updated 6 months ago
We have decided to only include those SNPs for which we felt there was compelling evidence-based research involving human subjects. One study alone would not necessarily suffice for inclusion, just as many studies regarding a particular SNP may not have allowed the SNP to make the cut. Much of this was dependent on the type of study we examined. we gave greater weight to randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses, which are the highest levels of the evidence pyramid.
We have also limited our search mostly to SNPs that belong to genes that are covered by our current set of Pathway Planner graphics, allowing the potential impact of SNPs to be understood in the wider context of pathway function.
Additionally, some diseases are so rare or so serious that it did not make sense to include those affiliated SNPs for the purposes of the StrateGene Genetic Pathway Analysis, which we hope will provide information that will benefit the greatest number of individuals.